Computer Science Geeks
Friday, January 27, 2017
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Write the code to print the following pattern.
Write the code to print the following pattern.
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
public class Pattern1 { public static void main(String[] args) { for(int i=1;i<=8;i++) { for(int j=1;j<=i;j++) { System.out.print(j); } System.out.println(); } } }
Write a code to display the following pattern.
Write a code to display the following pattern.
# # # # # # #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# # # # # # #
# # # # # # #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# # # # # # #
public class Pattern2{ public static void main(String [] args) { for(int i=1;i<=6;i++) { if(i==1||i==6) System.out.println("#######"); else System.out.println("# #"); } } }
Write a program to print all numbers from 1 to 30. If the number is a multiple of 13, print the string "lucky number" instead of the number.
Write a program to print all numbers from 1 to 30. If the number is a multiple of 13, print the string "lucky number" instead of the number.
public class luckynumber{ public static void main(String [] args) { String str="lucky number"; for(int i=1;i<=30;i++) { if(i%13==0) { System.out.print(str+ " " ); } else System.out.print(i+ " "); } } }
Pattern Programming in Java
Monday, August 4, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Database Queries with Employee Tables
Hello Friends , today we will be creating and use the Employee Database Scheme to answer the given queries !
Here are the necessary details for the overall database scheme
Employee Scheme
Field | Type | NULL | KEY | DEFAULT |
Eno | Char(3) | NO | PRI | NIL |
Ename | varchar(50) | NO | NIL | |
Job_type | varchar(50) | NO | NIL | |
Manager | Char(3) | Yes | FK | NIL |
Hire_date | Date | NO | NIL | |
Dno | int | YES | FK | NIL |
Commission | Decimal(10,2) | YES | NIL | |
Salary | Decimal(7,2) | NO | NIL |
Employee State
Eno | Ename | Job_Type | Manager | Hire_Date | Dno | Commission | Salary |
765 | Martin | Sales_man | 198 | 1981-04-22 | 30 | 1400 | 1250 |
756 | Jones | Manager | 783 | 1981-04-02 | 20 | 0 | 2300 |
752 | Ward | Sales_man | 769 | 1981-02-22 | 30 | 500 | 1300 |
749 | Allan | Sales_man | 769 | 1981-02-20 | 30 | 300 | 2000 |
736 | Smith | Clerk | 790 | 1980-12-17 | 20 | 0 | 1000 |
793 | Miller | Clerk | 788 | 1982-01-23 | 40 | 0 | 1300 |
792 | Ford | Analyst | 756 | 1981-12-03 | 20 | 0 | 2600 |
790 | James | Clerk | 769 | 1981-12-03 | 30 | 0 | 950 |
787 | Adams | Clerk | 778 | 1983-01-12 | 20 | 0 | 1150 |
784 | Turner | Sales_man | 769 | 1981-09-08 | 30 | 0 | 1450 |
783 | King | President | NULL | 1981-11-17 | 10 | 0 | 2950 |
788 | Scott | Analyst | 756 | 1982-12-09 | 20 | 0 | 2850 |
778 | Clark | Manager | 783 | 1981-06-09 | 10 | 0 | 2900 |
769 | Blake | Manager | 783 | 1981-05-01 | 30 | 0 | 2870 |
Department Scheme
Field | Type | NULL | KEY | DEFAULT |
Dno | int | No | PRI | NULL |
Dname | Varchar(50) | Yes | NULL | |
location | Varchar(50) | Yes | New Delhi |
Department State
Dno | Dname | Location |
10 | Accounting | New York |
20 | Research | Dallas |
30 | Sales | Chicago |
40 | Operation | Boston |
50 | Marketing | New Delhi |
Please Note : We have used Oracle 11g for implementing all our queries and also recommend you to do so for better understanding !
Now we will answer the given queries
1) Query to display Employee Name, Job, Hire Date, Employee Number; for each employee with the Employee Number appearing first.
select eno,ename,job_type,hire_date from employee
2) Query to display Unique Jobs from the Employee Table.
select DISTINCT(job_type) From Employee
3) Query to display the Employee Name concatenated by a Job separated by a comma.
select ename || ' , ' || job_type from employee
4) Query to display all the data from the Employee Table. Separate each Column by a comma and name the said column as THE_OUTPUT.
select eno || ' , ' || ename || ' , ' || job_type || ' , ' || manager || ' , ' || hire_date || ' , ' || dno || ' , ' || commission || ' , ' || salary as THE_OUTPUT from employee
5) Query to display the Employee Name & Salary of all the employees earning more
than $2850.
select ename,salary from employee where salary>'2850';
6) Query to display Employee Name & Department Number for the Employee No= 7900.
select ename,dno from employee where eno='7900'
7) Query to display Employee Name & Salary for all employees whose salary is not in
the range of $1500 and $2850.
select ename,salary from employee where salary<1500 and 2850 >salary or select ename,salary from employee where NOT EXISTS (select salary from employee where salary <1500 AND 2850>salary ) or select ename,salary from employee where NOT EXISTS (select salary from employee where salary BETWEEN '1500' AND '2850' )
8) Query to display Employee Name, Job, and Hire Date of all the employees hired between Feb 20, 1981 and May 1, 1981. Order the query in ascending order of Start Date.
select ename,job_type,hire_date from employee where hire_date BETWEEN '20-Feb-1981' AND '1-May-1981' order by hire_date
9) Query to display Employee Name & Department No. of all the employees in Dept 10
and Dept 30 in the alphabetical order by name.
select ename,dno from employee where dno in(10,30) order by ename
10) Query to display Employee Name & Salary of employees who earned more than
$1500 and are in Department 10 or 30.
select ename,salary from employee where salary>1500 AND ((DNO=10)OR (DNO=30))
11) Query to display Name & Hire Date of every Employee who was hired in 1981.
Select Ename,HIRE_DATE from EMPLOYEE Where HIRE_Date like ‘%81’
12) Query to display Name & Job of all employees who don’t have a current Manager.
13) Query to display the Name, Salary & Commission for all the employees who earn commission. Sort the data in descending order of Salary and Commission.
SELECT ENAME,salary,commission from employee where NOT (commission=0) ORDER BY SALARY,COMMISSION DESC
14) Query to display Name of all the employees where the third letter of their name is ‘A’.
15) Query to display Name of all employees either have two ‘R’s or have two ‘A’s in their name & are either in Dept No = 30 or their Manger’s Employee No = 7788.
16) Query to display Name, Job and Salary of all employees whose Job is Clerical or
Analyst & their salaries are not equal to 1000, 3000, or 5000.
17) Query to display Name, Salary and Commission for all employees whose
Commission Amount is greater than their Salary increased by 5 %.
18) Query to display the Current Date.
SELECT Sysdate FROM Dual
Sunday, May 18, 2014
X to the power of Y using recursion in C ++
#include<iostream.h> float powerec(float b, float r) { if(r==0) return 1; else return(b*powerec(b,r-1)); } void main() { float b,r; b=0; r=0; cout<<"\nEnter The Base: "; cin>>b; cout<<"\nEnter The Power: "; cin>>r; float res=powerec(b,r); cout<<"\nThe Result Is: "<<res; }
c plus plus,
cpp program,
data structures,
x to the power y
Friday, May 9, 2014
Sorted Linked List Program in C++
#include<iostream.h> #include<process.h> class node { public: int data; node*next; node (int n, node*p=NULL) { data=n; next=NULL; } }; class SSLL { node*head; node*tail; public: SSLL() { head=tail=NULL; } void addtohead(int n); void addtotail(int n); int isempty(); int deletefromhead(); int deletefromtail(); void deletelement(int n); void print(); void insert(int n); void merge(SSLL sl2); }; void SSLL::addtohead(int n) { node*p=new node(n,head); if(isempty()) head=tail=p; else { node*temp; temp=head; head=p; p->next=temp; } } void SSLL::addtotail(int n) { node*p=new node(n); if(isempty()) head=tail=p; else { tail->next=p; tail=p; } } int SSLL::isempty() { if(head==NULL) return 1; else return 0; } int SSLL::deletefromhead() { node*p; if(head==0) throw"EMPTY LIST"; p=head; head=head->next; if(head==NULL) tail=NULL; int temp=p->data; delete p; return temp; } int SSLL::deletefromtail() { node*p=0; if(head==0) throw"EMPTY LIST"; p=head; if(head==tail) head=tail=NULL; else { while(p->next!=tail) p=p->next; tail=p; p=p->next; tail->next=NULL; } int data1=p->data; delete p; return(data1); } void SSLL::deletelement(int n) { node*p=head; node*prev=NULL; while(p!=NULL && p->data!=n) { prev=p; p=p->next; } if(p!=NULL) { if(prev==NULL) { deletefromhead(); } else if(p->next==NULL) deletefromtail(); else { node*temp; temp=p->next; prev->next=temp; cout<<"\nElement Deleted Successfully"; delete p; } } else { throw"ELEMENT NOT PRESENT IN THE LIST"; } } void SSLL::print() { if(head==NULL) cout<<"LIST IS EMPTY"; else { node*p=head; while(p!=NULL) { cout<<"\t"<<p->data; p=p->next; } } } void SSLL::insert(int n) { node*pl; pl=head; if(pl==NULL) { node*p=new node(n); head=tail=p; } else { if(n<head->data) addtohead(n); else if(n>tail->data) addtotail(n); else { node*prev=NULL; while(pl->data<n) { prev=pl; pl=pl->next; } node*temp=NULL; temp=new node(n); temp->next=pl; prev->next=temp; } } } void SSLL::merge(SSLL sl2) { SSLL sl3; node*p1; node*p2; p1=this->head; p2=sl2.head; while(p1!=0 && p2!=0) { if(p1->data<p2->data) { sl3.insert(p1->data); p1=p1->next; } else if(p1->data>p2->data) { sl3.insert(p2->data); p2=p2->next; } else { sl3.insert(p1->data); sl3.insert(p2->data); p1=p1->next; p2=p2->next; } } while(p1!=0) { sl3.insert(p1->data); p1=p1->next; } while(p2!=0) { sl3.insert(p2->data); p2=p2->next; } cout<<"\n"; sl3.print(); } void main() { SSLL s1,s2; int ch,ele,ch1,ch2,ele1; do { cout<<"\n\nWhat Do You Want To Do"; cout<<"\n1.)Insert An Element Into The List"; cout<<"\n2.)View Sorted List"; cout<<"\n3.)Delete An Element"; cout<<"\n4.)Merge 2 Lists"; cout<<"\n5.)Exit"; cout<<"\nEnter Your Choice: "; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1:cout<<"\nEnter The Elment You Want To Insert: "; cin>>ele; cout<<"\nEnter The Linked List You Want To Access: "; cin>>ch1; if(ch1==1) s1.insert(ele); if(ch1==2) s2.insert(ele); cout<<"\nElement Added Successfully"; break; case 2:cout<<"\nEnter The List You Want To View: "; cin>>ch2; if(ch2==1) { cout<<"\n"; s1.print(); } if(ch2==2) { cout<<"\n"; s2.print(); } break; case 3:cout<<"\nEnter The Element You Want to Delete: "; cin>>ele1; cout<<"\nEnter The Linked List You Want To Access: "; cin>>ch1; if(ch1==1) s1.deletelement(ele1); else s1.deletelement(ele1); break; case 4:s1.merge(s2); break; case 5:exit(10); break; default:cout<<"\nWrong Choice!!!"; break; } }while(ch!=5); }
Binary Search Tree Program in C++
#include <iostream.h> #include <process.h> class tnode { public: int data; tnode *lchild; tnode *rchild; tnode(int n,tnode *l=0,tnode *r=0) { data=n; lchild=l; rchild=r; } }; class Queue { private: int front,rear,size; tnode **a; public: Queue(int size=0) { front=rear=-1; if (size!=0) a=new tnode*[size]; else a=0; this->size=size; } void enqueue(tnode* el); tnode* dequeue(); bool isempty() const; }; void Queue::enqueue(tnode* el) { if(isempty()) { front=rear=0; a[front]=el; } else { rear=(rear+1)%size; a[rear]=el; } } tnode* Queue::dequeue() { tnode* i; if (front==-1) cout<<"Empty list. Deletion not possible"; else if (front==rear) { i=a[front]; front=rear=-1; } else { i=a[front]; front=(front+1)%size; } return i; } bool Queue::isempty() const { return(front==-1); } class BST { private: tnode *root; void preorder(tnode *); void postorder(tnode *); void inorder(tnode *); public: BST() { root=0; } void insert(int x); void insert(tnode* &p,int x); void delete_by_copying(int x); void delete_by_merging(int x); tnode* search(int x); tnode* search(tnode * p,int x); void preorder(); void postorder(); void inorder(); void level_by_level_traversal(); int count_leafnode(); int count_leafnode(tnode *t); int count_nonleaf(); int count_nonleaf(tnode *t); int height(); int height(tnode *t); tnode* mirror(); tnode* mirror(tnode *p); }; // Inserting an element void BST::insert(int x) { treenode*t=new treenode(x); if(root==NULL) { root=t; return; } treenode*p,*fp; p=root; fp=0; while(p!=0) { fp=p; if(x==p->data) throw"DUPLICATE VALUE"; else if(x<p->data) p=p->lchild; else p=p->rchild; } if(x<fp->data) fp->lchild=t; else fp->rchild=t; } // Deletion By Copying void BST::delete_by_copying(int x) { if (root==0) throw "Empty tree"; tnode *p=root; tnode *fp=0; while(p!=0 && p->data!=x) { fp=p; if (x<p->data) p=p->lchild; else p=p->rchild; } if (p==0) throw "Element not present "; bool lchild; if (fp!=0) lchild=(x<fp->data)?true:false; // if deleted node is a leaf if ((p->lchild==0) && (p->rchild)==0) { if (fp==0) { root=0;return; } if (lchild) fp->lchild=0; else fp->rchild=0; } // if deleted node has lchild only else if (p->rchild==0) { if (fp==0) { root=p->lchild; return; } if (lchild) fp->lchild=p->lchild; else fp->rchild=p->lchild; } // if deleted node has rchild only else if (p->lchild==0) { if (fp==0) { root=p->rchild; return; } if (lchild) fp->lchild=p->rchild; else fp->rchild=p->rchild; } // if both the children exists else { tnode *q=p->rchild; tnode *fq=p; while (q->lchild!=0) { fq=q; q=q->lchild; } p->data=q->data; if (q->data<fq->data) fq->lchild=q->rchild; else fq->rchild =q->rchild; delete q; } } // Deletion by Merging void BST::delete_by_merging(int x) { if (root==0) throw "Empty tree"; tnode *p=root; tnode *fp=0; while(p!=0 && p->data!=x) { fp=p; if (x<p->data) p=p->lchild; else p=p->rchild; } if (p==0) throw "Element not present "; bool lchild; if (fp!=0) lchild=(x<fp->data)?true:false; // if deleted node is a leaf if ((p->lchild==0) && (p->rchild)==0) { if (fp==0) { root=0;return; } if (lchild) fp->lchild=0; else fp->rchild=0; } // if deleted node has lchild only else if (p->rchild==0) { if (fp==0) { root=p->lchild; return; } if (lchild) fp->lchild=p->lchild; else fp->rchild=p->lchild; } // if deleted node has rchild only else if (p->lchild==0) { if (fp==0) { root=p->rchild; return; } if (lchild) fp->lchild=p->rchild; else fp->rchild=p->rchild; } // if both the children exists else { tnode *q=p->lchild; tnode *rc=p->rchild; while (q->rchild!=0) { q=q->rchild; } q->rchild=rc; if (fp==0) root=p->lchild; else { if (p->data<fp->data) fp->lchild=p->lchild; else fp->rchild=p->lchild; } delete p; } } //Searching an element tnode* BST::search(int x) { if (root==0) return(0); if (root->data==x) return (root); if (x<root->data) return(search(root->lchild,x)); else return(search(root->rchild,x)); } tnode* BST::search(tnode * p,int x) { if (p==0) return(0); if (p->data==x) return (p); if (x<p->data) return(search(p->lchild,x)); else return(search(p->rchild,x)); } // Inorder Traversal void BST::inorder() { if (root==0) return; inorder(root->lchild); cout<<root->data<<" "; inorder(root->rchild); } void BST::inorder(tnode* r) { if (r==0) return; inorder(r->lchild); cout<<r->data<<" "; inorder(r->rchild); } // Preorder Traversal void BST::preorder() { if (root==0) return; cout<<root->data<<" "; preorder(root->lchild); preorder(root->rchild); } void BST::preorder(tnode* r) { if (r==0) return; cout<<r->data<<" "; preorder(r->lchild); preorder(r->rchild); } //Postorder Traversal void BST::postorder() { if (root==0) return; postorder(root->lchild); postorder(root->rchild); cout<<root->data<<" "; } void BST::postorder(tnode* r) { if (r==0) return; postorder(r->lchild); postorder(r->rchild); cout<<r->data<<" "; } // Level by Level Traversal void BST::level_by_level_traversal() { if(root==0) { cout<<"Empty tree"; return; } cout<<"\nLevel by level traversal is "; Queue q(10); q.enqueue(root); while(!q.isempty()) { tnode *p=q.dequeue(); cout<<p->data<<" "; if(p->lchild!=0) q.enqueue(p->lchild); if(p->rchild!=0) q.enqueue(p->rchild); } } //Count leaf nodes int BST::count_leafnode() { if(root==0) return 0; else if(root->lchild==0&&root->rchild==0) return 1; else return(count_leafnode(root->lchild)+count_leafnode(root->rchild)); } int BST::count_leafnode(tnode *t) { if(t==0) return 0; else if(t->lchild==0&&t->rchild==0) return 1; else return(count_leafnode(t->lchild)+count_leafnode(t->rchild)); } //Count non leaf nodes int BST::count_nonleaf() { if(root==0) return 0; else if(root->lchild==0&&root->rchild==0) return 0; else return(1+count_nonleaf(root->lchild)+count_nonleaf(root->rchild)); } int BST::count_nonleaf(tnode *t) { if(t==0) return 0; else if(t->lchild==0&&t->rchild==0) return 0; else return(1+count_nonleaf(t->lchild)+count_nonleaf(t->rchild)); } //Calculate height of tree int BST::height() { if (root==0) return 0; else if (root->lchild==0 && root->rchild==0) return 1; else { int hl=height(root->lchild); int hr=height(root->rchild); int max=hl>hr?hl:hr; return(max+1); } } int BST::height(tnode *t) { if(t==0) return 0; else if(t->lchild==0&&t->rchild==0) return 1; else { int x=height(t->lchild); int y=height(t->rchild); if(x>y) return(1+x); else return (1+y); } } //Mirror image of tree tnode* BST::mirror() { if(root == NULL) return root ; else { mirror(root->lchild); mirror(root->rchild); tnode *temp; temp=root->lchild; root->lchild=root->rchild; root->rchild=temp; } return root; } tnode* BST::mirror(tnode *p) { if(p == NULL) return p ; else { mirror(p->lchild); mirror(p->rchild); tnode *temp; temp=p->lchild; p->lchild=p->rchild; p->rchild=temp; } return p; } void main() { BST b; int i,n; tnode *p; int ch; do { cout<<"\n\nMAIN MENU"; cout<<"\n1.)Insertion "; cout<<"\n2.)Deletion by copying "; cout<<"\n3.)Deletion by merging"; cout<<"\n4.)Search a no in BST "; cout<<"\n5.)In-Order Traversal "; cout<<"\n6.)Pre-Order Traversal "; cout<<"\n7.)Post-Order Traversal "; cout<<"\n8.)Level-by-level Traversal "; cout<<"\n9.)Count no of non leaf nodes "; cout<<"\n10.)Count no of leaf nodes "; cout<<"\n11.)Height of tree "; cout<<"\n12.)Mirror image "; cout<<"\n13.)Exit "; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t Enter your choice: "; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1 : cout<<"\n Enter the node to be inserted : "; cin>>n; b.insert(n); cout<<"\n The tree in inorder traversal is: "; b.inorder(); break; case 2 : cout<<"\n Enter the node to be deleted : "; cin>>n; b.delete_by_copying(n); cout<<"\n The tree in inorder traversal is: "; b.inorder(); break; case 3 : cout<<"\n Enter the node to be deleted : "; cin>>n; b.delete_by_merging(n); cout<<"\n The tree in inorder traversal is: "; b.inorder(); break; case 4 : cout<<"\n Enter the node to be searched: "; cin>>n;; if(p!=0) cout<<"\n Node "<<p<<" found"; else cout<<"\n Node not present"; break; case 5 : cout<<"\n Inorder traversal is: "; b.inorder(); break; case 6 : cout<<"\n Preorder traversal is: "; b.preorder(); break; case 7 : cout<<"\n Postorder traversal is: "; b.postorder(); break; case 8 : b.level_by_level_traversal(); break; case 9 : n=b.count_nonleaf(); cout<<"No. of non leaf nodes= "<<n; break; case 10: n=b.count_leafnode(); cout<<"No. of leaf nodes= "<<n; break; case 11: n=b.height(); cout<<"Height of tree= "<<n; break; case 12: p=b.mirror(); cout<<"\n The tree in inorder traversal is: "; b.inorder(); break; default: exit(0); } }while(ch!=13); }
binary search trees,
c plus plus,
cpp program,
data structures
Saturday, March 22, 2014
#include <conio.h> #include <dos.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define TIMEOUT 5 #define MAX_SEQ 1 #define TOT_PACKETS 8 #define inc(k) if(k<MAX_SEQ) k++; else k=0; typedef struct { int data; }packet; typedef struct { int kind; int seq; int ack; packet info; int err; }frame; frame DATA; typedef enum{frame_arrival,err,timeout,no_event} event_type; void from_network_layer(packet *); void to_network_layer(packet *); void to_physical_layer(frame *); void from_physical_layer(frame *); void wait_for_event_sender(event_type *); void wait_for_event_reciever(event_type *); void reciever(); void sender(); int i=1; //Data to be sent by sender char turn; //r , s int DISCONNECT=0; /*__________________________________________________________________________*/ void main() { clrscr(); randomize(); while(!DISCONNECT) { sender(); delay(400); reciever(); } getch(); } /*__________________________________________________________________________*/ void sender() { static int frame_to_send=0; static frame s; packet buffer; event_type event; static int flag=0; if(flag==0) { from_network_layer(&buffer); = buffer; s.seq = frame_to_send; printf("SENDER : Info = %d Seq No = %d ",,s.seq); turn = 'r'; to_physical_layer(&s); flag = 1; } wait_for_event_sender(&event); if(turn=='s') { if(event==frame_arrival) { from_network_layer(&buffer); inc(frame_to_send); = buffer; s.seq = frame_to_send; printf("SENDER : Info = %d Seq No = %d ",,s.seq); turn = 'r'; to_physical_layer(&s); } if(event==timeout) { printf("SENDER : Resending Frame "); turn = 'r'; to_physical_layer(&s); } } } /*__________________________________________________________________________*/ void reciever() { static int frame_expected=0; frame r,s; event_type event; wait_for_event_reciever(&event); if(turn=='r') { if(event==frame_arrival) { from_physical_layer(&r); if(r.seq==frame_expected) { to_network_layer(&; inc(frame_expected); } else printf("RECIEVER : Acknowledgement Resent\n"); turn = 's'; to_physical_layer(&s); } if(event==err) { printf("RECIEVER : Garbled Frame\n"); turn = 's'; //if frame not recieved } //sender shold send it again } } /*__________________________________________________________________________*/ void from_network_layer(packet *buffer) { (*buffer).data = i; i++; } /*___________________________________________________________________________*/ void to_physical_layer(frame *s) { // 0 means error s->err = random(4); //non zero means no error DATA = *s; //probability of error = 1/4 } /*___________________________________________________________________________*/ void to_network_layer(packet *buffer) { printf("RECIEVER :Packet %d recieved , Ack Sent\n",(*buffer).data); if(i>TOT_PACKETS) //if all packets recieved then disconnect { DISCONNECT = 1; printf("\nDISCONNECTED"); } } /*___________________________________________________________________________*/ void from_physical_layer(frame *buffer) { *buffer = DATA; } /*___________________________________________________________________________*/ void wait_for_event_sender(event_type * e) { static int timer=0; if(turn=='s') { timer++; if(timer==TIMEOUT) { *e = timeout; printf("SENDER : Ack not recieved=> TIMEOUT\n"); timer = 0; return; } if(DATA.err==0) *e = err; else { timer = 0; *e = frame_arrival; } } } /*____________________________________________________________________________*/ void wait_for_event_reciever(event_type * e) { if(turn=='r') { if(DATA.err==0) *e = err; else *e = frame_arrival; } } /* OUTPUT SENDER : Info = 1 Seq No = 0 RECIEVER :Packet 1 recieved , Ack Sent SENDER : Ack not recieved=> TIMEOUT SENDER : Resending Frame RECIEVER : Acknowledgement Resent SENDER : Info = 2 Seq No = 1 RECIEVER :Packet 2 recieved , Ack Sent SENDER : Info = 3 Seq No = 0 RECIEVER :Packet 3 recieved , Ack Sent SENDER : Ack not recieved=> TIMEOUT SENDER : Resending Frame RECIEVER : Acknowledgement Resent SENDER : Info = 4 Seq No = 1 RECIEVER :Packet 4 recieved , Ack Sent SENDER : Info = 5 Seq No = 0 RECIEVER :Packet 5 recieved , Ack Sent SENDER : Info = 6 Seq No = 1 RECIEVER :Packet 6 recieved , Ack Sent SENDER : Info = 7 Seq No = 0 RECIEVER :Packet 7 recieved , Ack Sent SENDER : Info = 8 Seq No = 1 RECIEVER : Garbled Frame SENDER : Ack not recieved=> TIMEOUT SENDER : Resending Frame RECIEVER :Packet 8 recieved , Ack Sent DISCONNECTED */
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