#include <iostream.h> #include <process.h> class tnode { public: int data; tnode *lchild; tnode *rchild; tnode(int n,tnode *l=0,tnode *r=0) { data=n; lchild=l; rchild=r; } }; class Queue { private: int front,rear,size; tnode **a; public: Queue(int size=0) { front=rear=-1; if (size!=0) a=new tnode*[size]; else a=0; this->size=size; } void enqueue(tnode* el); tnode* dequeue(); bool isempty() const; }; void Queue::enqueue(tnode* el) { if(isempty()) { front=rear=0; a[front]=el; } else { rear=(rear+1)%size; a[rear]=el; } } tnode* Queue::dequeue() { tnode* i; if (front==-1) cout<<"Empty list. Deletion not possible"; else if (front==rear) { i=a[front]; front=rear=-1; } else { i=a[front]; front=(front+1)%size; } return i; } bool Queue::isempty() const { return(front==-1); } class BST { private: tnode *root; void preorder(tnode *); void postorder(tnode *); void inorder(tnode *); public: BST() { root=0; } void insert(int x); void insert(tnode* &p,int x); void delete_by_copying(int x); void delete_by_merging(int x); tnode* search(int x); tnode* search(tnode * p,int x); void preorder(); void postorder(); void inorder(); void level_by_level_traversal(); int count_leafnode(); int count_leafnode(tnode *t); int count_nonleaf(); int count_nonleaf(tnode *t); int height(); int height(tnode *t); tnode* mirror(); tnode* mirror(tnode *p); }; // Inserting an element void BST::insert(int x) { treenode*t=new treenode(x); if(root==NULL) { root=t; return; } treenode*p,*fp; p=root; fp=0; while(p!=0) { fp=p; if(x==p->data) throw"DUPLICATE VALUE"; else if(x<p->data) p=p->lchild; else p=p->rchild; } if(x<fp->data) fp->lchild=t; else fp->rchild=t; } // Deletion By Copying void BST::delete_by_copying(int x) { if (root==0) throw "Empty tree"; tnode *p=root; tnode *fp=0; while(p!=0 && p->data!=x) { fp=p; if (x<p->data) p=p->lchild; else p=p->rchild; } if (p==0) throw "Element not present "; bool lchild; if (fp!=0) lchild=(x<fp->data)?true:false; // if deleted node is a leaf if ((p->lchild==0) && (p->rchild)==0) { if (fp==0) { root=0;return; } if (lchild) fp->lchild=0; else fp->rchild=0; } // if deleted node has lchild only else if (p->rchild==0) { if (fp==0) { root=p->lchild; return; } if (lchild) fp->lchild=p->lchild; else fp->rchild=p->lchild; } // if deleted node has rchild only else if (p->lchild==0) { if (fp==0) { root=p->rchild; return; } if (lchild) fp->lchild=p->rchild; else fp->rchild=p->rchild; } // if both the children exists else { tnode *q=p->rchild; tnode *fq=p; while (q->lchild!=0) { fq=q; q=q->lchild; } p->data=q->data; if (q->data<fq->data) fq->lchild=q->rchild; else fq->rchild =q->rchild; delete q; } } // Deletion by Merging void BST::delete_by_merging(int x) { if (root==0) throw "Empty tree"; tnode *p=root; tnode *fp=0; while(p!=0 && p->data!=x) { fp=p; if (x<p->data) p=p->lchild; else p=p->rchild; } if (p==0) throw "Element not present "; bool lchild; if (fp!=0) lchild=(x<fp->data)?true:false; // if deleted node is a leaf if ((p->lchild==0) && (p->rchild)==0) { if (fp==0) { root=0;return; } if (lchild) fp->lchild=0; else fp->rchild=0; } // if deleted node has lchild only else if (p->rchild==0) { if (fp==0) { root=p->lchild; return; } if (lchild) fp->lchild=p->lchild; else fp->rchild=p->lchild; } // if deleted node has rchild only else if (p->lchild==0) { if (fp==0) { root=p->rchild; return; } if (lchild) fp->lchild=p->rchild; else fp->rchild=p->rchild; } // if both the children exists else { tnode *q=p->lchild; tnode *rc=p->rchild; while (q->rchild!=0) { q=q->rchild; } q->rchild=rc; if (fp==0) root=p->lchild; else { if (p->data<fp->data) fp->lchild=p->lchild; else fp->rchild=p->lchild; } delete p; } } //Searching an element tnode* BST::search(int x) { if (root==0) return(0); if (root->data==x) return (root); if (x<root->data) return(search(root->lchild,x)); else return(search(root->rchild,x)); } tnode* BST::search(tnode * p,int x) { if (p==0) return(0); if (p->data==x) return (p); if (x<p->data) return(search(p->lchild,x)); else return(search(p->rchild,x)); } // Inorder Traversal void BST::inorder() { if (root==0) return; inorder(root->lchild); cout<<root->data<<" "; inorder(root->rchild); } void BST::inorder(tnode* r) { if (r==0) return; inorder(r->lchild); cout<<r->data<<" "; inorder(r->rchild); } // Preorder Traversal void BST::preorder() { if (root==0) return; cout<<root->data<<" "; preorder(root->lchild); preorder(root->rchild); } void BST::preorder(tnode* r) { if (r==0) return; cout<<r->data<<" "; preorder(r->lchild); preorder(r->rchild); } //Postorder Traversal void BST::postorder() { if (root==0) return; postorder(root->lchild); postorder(root->rchild); cout<<root->data<<" "; } void BST::postorder(tnode* r) { if (r==0) return; postorder(r->lchild); postorder(r->rchild); cout<<r->data<<" "; } // Level by Level Traversal void BST::level_by_level_traversal() { if(root==0) { cout<<"Empty tree"; return; } cout<<"\nLevel by level traversal is "; Queue q(10); q.enqueue(root); while(!q.isempty()) { tnode *p=q.dequeue(); cout<<p->data<<" "; if(p->lchild!=0) q.enqueue(p->lchild); if(p->rchild!=0) q.enqueue(p->rchild); } } //Count leaf nodes int BST::count_leafnode() { if(root==0) return 0; else if(root->lchild==0&&root->rchild==0) return 1; else return(count_leafnode(root->lchild)+count_leafnode(root->rchild)); } int BST::count_leafnode(tnode *t) { if(t==0) return 0; else if(t->lchild==0&&t->rchild==0) return 1; else return(count_leafnode(t->lchild)+count_leafnode(t->rchild)); } //Count non leaf nodes int BST::count_nonleaf() { if(root==0) return 0; else if(root->lchild==0&&root->rchild==0) return 0; else return(1+count_nonleaf(root->lchild)+count_nonleaf(root->rchild)); } int BST::count_nonleaf(tnode *t) { if(t==0) return 0; else if(t->lchild==0&&t->rchild==0) return 0; else return(1+count_nonleaf(t->lchild)+count_nonleaf(t->rchild)); } //Calculate height of tree int BST::height() { if (root==0) return 0; else if (root->lchild==0 && root->rchild==0) return 1; else { int hl=height(root->lchild); int hr=height(root->rchild); int max=hl>hr?hl:hr; return(max+1); } } int BST::height(tnode *t) { if(t==0) return 0; else if(t->lchild==0&&t->rchild==0) return 1; else { int x=height(t->lchild); int y=height(t->rchild); if(x>y) return(1+x); else return (1+y); } } //Mirror image of tree tnode* BST::mirror() { if(root == NULL) return root ; else { mirror(root->lchild); mirror(root->rchild); tnode *temp; temp=root->lchild; root->lchild=root->rchild; root->rchild=temp; } return root; } tnode* BST::mirror(tnode *p) { if(p == NULL) return p ; else { mirror(p->lchild); mirror(p->rchild); tnode *temp; temp=p->lchild; p->lchild=p->rchild; p->rchild=temp; } return p; } void main() { BST b; int i,n; tnode *p; int ch; do { cout<<"\n\nMAIN MENU"; cout<<"\n1.)Insertion "; cout<<"\n2.)Deletion by copying "; cout<<"\n3.)Deletion by merging"; cout<<"\n4.)Search a no in BST "; cout<<"\n5.)In-Order Traversal "; cout<<"\n6.)Pre-Order Traversal "; cout<<"\n7.)Post-Order Traversal "; cout<<"\n8.)Level-by-level Traversal "; cout<<"\n9.)Count no of non leaf nodes "; cout<<"\n10.)Count no of leaf nodes "; cout<<"\n11.)Height of tree "; cout<<"\n12.)Mirror image "; cout<<"\n13.)Exit "; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t Enter your choice: "; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1 : cout<<"\n Enter the node to be inserted : "; cin>>n; b.insert(n); cout<<"\n The tree in inorder traversal is: "; b.inorder(); break; case 2 : cout<<"\n Enter the node to be deleted : "; cin>>n; b.delete_by_copying(n); cout<<"\n The tree in inorder traversal is: "; b.inorder(); break; case 3 : cout<<"\n Enter the node to be deleted : "; cin>>n; b.delete_by_merging(n); cout<<"\n The tree in inorder traversal is: "; b.inorder(); break; case 4 : cout<<"\n Enter the node to be searched: "; cin>>n; p=b.search(n); if(p!=0) cout<<"\n Node "<<p<<" found"; else cout<<"\n Node not present"; break; case 5 : cout<<"\n Inorder traversal is: "; b.inorder(); break; case 6 : cout<<"\n Preorder traversal is: "; b.preorder(); break; case 7 : cout<<"\n Postorder traversal is: "; b.postorder(); break; case 8 : b.level_by_level_traversal(); break; case 9 : n=b.count_nonleaf(); cout<<"No. of non leaf nodes= "<<n; break; case 10: n=b.count_leafnode(); cout<<"No. of leaf nodes= "<<n; break; case 11: n=b.height(); cout<<"Height of tree= "<<n; break; case 12: p=b.mirror(); cout<<"\n The tree in inorder traversal is: "; b.inorder(); break; default: exit(0); } }while(ch!=13); }
Friday, May 9, 2014
Binary Search Tree Program in C++
binary search trees,
c plus plus,
cpp program,
data structures
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